Perunovo koplje
['Perun's Spear'] Having come to this area from their fatherland, the Slavs brought their ancient beliefs and mythical worldview. To completely dominate the new space, the gods of the old faith had to be placed in the new environment - this way, all things foreign and alien became personal and recognizable. Old mages put their seal in space and that mark is visible to this day. We know that some of the sacral toponyms located on the maps originated from that time - the time of the settlement of Slavs.
Slavs placed their deities in places where certain sacredness was already present. With the transition to Christianity, the cult of holiness was re-established - with only difference that Christian substitutes were placed in place of the old Slavic gods. Toponyms referring to pre-Christian Slavic mythology are found in Croatia, southeast of Split, in a wider area of Žrnovnica, Podstrana and central Poljica.


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