Inštitut za kulturne in spominske študije / Institute of Culture and Memory Studies
50 Titles
The Institute of Culture and Memory Studies uses an interdisciplinary and transnational approach in its research of a variety of forms of memory practices related to events that marked the history of Slovenia and Eastern Europe during the 20th century. Members of the Institute pay particular attention to the complexity of memory, its social roles and political relevance, as well as to the connection between memory and collective imaginations of the future.
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Naše znanstvenice. Kako so ženske soustvarjale znanost v Jugoslaviji
Kulturni spomin
30. August 2023
Ustava Republike Slovenije / Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. Dvojezična izdaja / Bilingual edition
28. February 2023
»Ne le kruh, tudi vrtnice!«. Potrošnja, tehnološki razvoj in emancipacija žensk v socialistični Sloveniji
Kulturni spomin
14. June 2017
Fičko po Jugoslaviji. Zvezda domačega avtomobilizma med cestami in spomini
Kulturni spomin
20. June 2016
Glasba, politika, afekt. Novo življenje partizanskih pesmi v Sloveniji
Kulturni spomin
5. December 2014