Priročnik za integriteto, etiko in enakost spolov v raziskovalnih organizacijah
Priročnik za integriteto, etiko in enakost spolov v raziskovalnih organizacijah ('The Handbook on Integrity, Ethics and Gender Equality in Research Organisations') is designed to help higher education institutions and research performing organisations address issues of ethics, integrity and gender equality through institutional change. It provides a set of guidelines for organisations to establish and complement institutional mechanisms that enable systematic attention to research ethics and integrity as well as gender equality in research.
The Handbook will assist the management and decision-making bodies of scientific research organisations in shaping institutional policies; it will be useful to administrative and professional staff in implementing them; it as at disposal to members of committees responsible for these areas; and finally, it could help those working in research to initiate the improvements needed in their organisations.
The Handbook was prepared as part of the project "Ethics, Integrity and Gender Equality in the Research Area of Slovenia: between Policies and their Implementation" (2021–2023), which is funded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency.