Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut Franceta Steleta / France Stele Institute of Art History

20 Titles

The research fields undertaken at the institute comprise studies of art and artists from the Middle Ages to the present time, history of artistic patronage, collecting and art market, various (above all religious and political) contexts, methodology and history of the discipline etc. The institute engages into the study of artistic monuments in Slovenia (artistic topography). Its publications include journals Acta historiae artis Slovenica and Umetnostna kronika, as well as studies on art history and cultural heritage.

All Books

Studio et labore, arte et humanitate. Jubilejni zbornik za Marjeto Ciglenečki

Opera Instituti Artis Historiae
Polona Vidmar (ed.), Franci Lazarini (ed.)
9. December 2024

Medieval Murals. New Perspectives and Research Approaches

Opera Instituti Artis Historiae
Mija Oter Gorenčič (ed.)
2. September 2024

Novo Celje. Lastniki, arhitektura in oprema najlepšega dvorca v Savinjski dolini

Opera Instituti Artis Historiae
Polona Vidmar
28. May 2024

Fra Josip Markušić, Josip (Jože) Plečnik. Korespodencija 1932.-1956.

Jozo Džambo (ed.), Damjan Prelovšek (ed.)
19. June 2023

MOMOWO: Women Designers, Craftswomen, Architects and Engineers between 1918 and 1945

Women's Creativity 1
Marjan Groot (ed.), Helena Seražin (ed.), Caterina Franchini (ed.), Emilia Maria Garda (ed.)
5. November 2018

Women's Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918–2018). Toward a New Perception and Reception

Helena Seražin (ed.), Emilia Maria Garda (ed.), Caterina Franchini (ed.)
1. June 2018

MoMoWo · 100 projects in 100 years. European Women in Architecture and Design · 1918-2018

Ana Fernandez Garcia (ed.), Helena Seražin (ed.), Emilia Maria Garda (ed.), Caterina Franchini (ed.)
16. September 2016

MoMoWo. Women. Architecture & Design Itineraries across Europe

Sara Levi Sacerdotti (ed.), Helena Seražin (ed.), Emilia Garda (ed.), Caterina Franchini (ed.)
16. September 2016

Le sang et le lait dans l’imaginaire médiéval

Opera Instituti Artis Historiae
Jure Mikuž
20. September 2013

Upravna enota Jesenice. Občine Jesenice, Kranjska Gora in Žirovnica

Umetnostna topografija Slovenije
Blaž Resman (ed.)
25. January 2012


Umetnine v žepu 3
Vesna Krmelj
5. November 2010

Spomenik revolucije Draga Tršarja

Umetnine v žepu 2
Jure Mikuž
1. November 2010

NUK. Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica

Umetnine v žepu 1
Damjan Prelovšek
21. June 2010