Domači odzivi na globalne izzive
V knjigi je štirinajst poglavij s področja naravnih nesreč. V poglavjih so opisana raziskovalna spoznanja ter primeri uporabe sodobnih tehnologij v primeru naravnih nesreč, s poudarkom na domačih odzivih na globalne izzive. Knjiga vsebuje različne teme, kot so na primer potresi, suše, vročinski valovi, poplave, snežni plazovi ter odzivanje in komuniciranje v primeru naravnih nesreč.
Uvodne strani / Front
Local responses to global challenges in Slovenia and Europe
Sendai Framework MonitorAn online reporting system for measuring the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030
Design and implementation of a Drought User Service
Forest fire weather index system in Slovenia
An illustration of increasing long-term heat load and possibilities of the Heat-Shield platform use
Analysis of fatal avalanches in Slovenia after 1990
Cultural heritage and natural hazards in the Municipality of Kočevje
Influence of focal mechanisms of 1998 and 2004 earthquakes in Krn Mountains on their macroseismic fields
Hydrological reflection of climate change in the Podravje region – can we expected more or less floods
Perception of earthquake threat by residents of some skyscrapers in Ljubljana
Effective communication of information need to adaptation to climate change
Incident command during multi-agency disaster response
Population aging as a challenge in the field of preparedness for natural disastersThe case of first aid training
Identification of subjective stimulus and inhibitory factors for (not)giving first aid in contemporary Slovenian society
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11. September 2020
Copyright (c) 2020 authors and ZRC SAZU

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Details about the available publication format: PDF
ISBN-13 (15)
Details about the available publication format: Knjiga/Book
ISBN-13 (15)
Physical Dimensions
165 mm x 235 mm