Modeliranje pokrajine
Modeliranje pokrajine ('Modelling landscape') is the fifteenth volume in the series GIS v Sloveniji (GIS in Slovenia). The goal of the volume is to present the wide variety of research findings on geographical information systems in Slovenia in recent years. Powerful geoinformatic tools and precise data facilitate research on processes and phenomena, and their modelling. The volume presents project outputs and research results in areas such as geology, geomorphology, hydrology, environmental protection, geography, surveying, archaeology, transport, telecommunication infrastructure, tourism, cultural heritage, remote sensing, and others. Readers will discover new features regarding the applicability of geographical information systems and will learn about interesting research findings in many areas.
Uvodne / Front
Spatial statistics of doline depths in Matarsko podolje (SW Slovenia) with Getis-Ord method
Use of relief coefficient for identification of potential areas of hummocky meadows based on LiDAR images
Geomorphosites and landform and landscape types of Slovenia
Types of hydrographic areas in the low hills of northeastern Slovenia according to the landscape and soil characteristics
Spectral signal mixture analysis of Sentinel-2 imagery for mapping rivers and riparian areas
Detection and mapping of invasive non-native plant species using Sentinel-2 satellite images
Creation of high-resolution synthetic orthophoto based on Sentinel-2 imagery using super-resolution generative adversary networks
Observation of slope processes with an unmanned aerial vehicle at the landslide sites in Slovenske Gorice Hills
Geostatistical modelling of Neolithic occupation in the Pannonian Basin
Geoinformatic support for changing the electoral districts
The correlation between the spread of infections by coronavirus and labour commuting mobility between municipalities in Slovenia
Traffic accessibility analyses using OpenStreetMap data
Digital society of Slovenia – internet access overview
- – web navigation platform for the development of tourism in cross-border karst area
Mountaineering Geographical Information System PlanGIS
Web platforms for monitoring of territorial attractiveness – an example of the Danube region
Aesthetic value and experiencing of Velika planina
Spatial data for the protection of cultural heritage
Building Slovenian GIS terminology with localization of ArcGIS products


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