Vodniki LGD / Afrika

2 Titles

Ljubljansko geografsko društvo & Založba ZRC

The series ('LGD Guides') contains guides for thematic excursions organised annually by the Geographical Society of Ljubljana (LGD) in Slovenian landscapes, as well as guides for foreign countries visited by participants of their traditional excursions. Despite their technical depth, the guides are also aimed at non-geographers who want to learn more about the destinations of their excursions, as the descriptions include detailed itineraries in addition to the usual sketches of the main natural and socio-geographical features.

Details:  https://zalozba.zrc-sazu.si/p/A13


Online ISSN 2784-4315
Print ISSN 1854-9233

All Books


Vodniki LGD / Afrika 2
Matjaž Napokoj
22. December 2008

Maroko. Druga, popravljena in dopolnjena izdaja

Vodniki LGD / Afrika 1
Katja Vintar Mally
11. October 2005