Protipomenskost v slovenskem knjižnem jeziku. Na primeru terminoloških slovarjev
Monography ('Antonymy in Standard Slovenian on the Example of Terminological Dictionaries') deals with antonymy in Slovenian dictionaries, especially in terminological, with linguistic theories about antonyms, lexicographical theories about the presentation of antomyms in general language and terminological dictionaries, with types of antonymes in dictionaries of diferent sciences, most frequent mistakes.
The presentation of antonyms in Slovenian dictionaries has a long tradition, starting already in the so-called non-standard dictionaries pertaining to the language works of Slovenian Protestants and continuing with Cigale’s Znanstvena terminologija s posebnim ozirom na srednja učilišča (Scientific Terminology with Special Focus on Secondary Schools, 1880), where antonyms were marked for the first time in the form of notes opp. (opponitur).
In Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika (the Dictionary of Standard Slovenian) the mark ant. (antonym) became established, which along with the mark protipomenka (antonym) and nasprotje (opposite), is most frequently used in modern Slovenian terminological dictionaries.
Antonyms are expressed in 12 modern Slovenian terminological dictionaries of different sciences. The highest number of them is listed in Splošni tehniški slovar (the General Technical Dictionary, 2nd issue, 1st and 2nd volumes, 1978 and 1981), Slovenski medicinski slovar (the Slovenian Medical Dictionary, 2002) and Bibliotekarski terminološki slovar (the Library Science Terminological Dictionary, 2010).
The following problems are most frequently when presenting the antonyms: non-paired and unsystematic display, non-mirror explanations and listing lexems that are not in an antonymic relation.


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