Medkulturna vzgoja in izobraževanje
In her book Medkulturna vzgoja in izobraževanje ('Intercultural education') Marijanca Ajša Vižintin analyses integration and inclusion policies, and outlines the development of multicultural and intercultural education, prejudices and their overcoming. She opens the questions about hyphenated identity and explains why and from where migrant children came to Slovenia. The second part of the book introduces an innovative model of intercultural education, composed of seven criteria: 1. interculturality as a pedagogical-didactic principle, 2. systemic support for a successful inclusion of immigrant children, 3. teachers with a developing intercultural competence, 4. development of the awareness of a multicultural society in all school subjects, 5. development of intercultural dialogue in school, 6. cooperation with immigrants (parents), 7. cooperation with the local community. The intercultural education model expects active participation from everybody: students and parents, teachers, being migrants themselves or not, migrants’ associations, local and national organizations. The author believes that every teacher has an impact on the including (or excluding) society with her/his attitude, knowledge or actions. Everybody is responsible for inclusion.


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