Pravopisna razpotja. Razprave o pravopisnih vprašanjih
The purpose of the monograph Crossroads of Orthography which aims, as did its predecessor Junctures of Orthography (2012), to present arguments for additions and changes to normative rules – is to encourage normative and orthographic activities in Slovenian linguistic society. In the 20th century, these activities were intensified only after publication of normative guides called »pravopis« and during polemical discussions that accompanied the results. With both monographs, we want to encourage public debate before the publication of the new normative guide and also to find answers to the language and normative difficulties, which are not problematic only in terms of linguistics and orthography, but also within the wider social environment. In six thematic sections of the monograph, 26 authors of 22 articles deal with specific normative issues (capitalization and punctuation) as well as with other topics on different levels of grammatical description – phonology, morphology and word formation. The problems of orthography in other, often non-linguistic fields are discussed. In the last two parts of the monograph, the problems of lexicographic approaches to orthography and its relation to language culture are considered.
Slovene normative guide between junctions and crossroads
Capitalization of Periphrastic Proper Names in Slovene in Comparison with the Croatian Normative Guide
Capitalization of Phraseological Units Involving Proper Nouns in the Dictionary of Slovene Phraseological Units (Slovar slovenskih frazemov) and in Language Corpora
Comma Use in Supplementive Clauses
Non-Correlative Compound Conjunctions between Standardization and Usage
Application of Language Technologies in the Identification of Problem Areas in the Use of the Comma
Pronunciation and Its Codification
Variation in the Upcoming Slovene Normative Guide (With Specific Regard to the Issue of the Pronunciation Norm)
Accentual and Morphological Properties of Second Female Declension Nouns in Contemporary Standard Slovene
Standardization of Unique, Foreign and Multiple-Word Female Personal Names in Slovene
No Issue Whatsoever with Hannah
The Inflection of Initialisms in Standard Written Slovene
Non-fixed use of Compounds and Phrases with Borrowed Initialisms in post-20th century Slovene prose work
With Zois to Carmen: Less Apparent Cases of the Use of Variant Preposition s/z 'with' and k/h 'to'
The Genitival Form of Place-Names in -ci, -ovci/-evci, -inci in Pannonia, Styria and Bela krajina (The Type Beltinci – iz Beltinec/Beltincev 'from Beltinci')
Orthography vs. Business and Administrative Documents
Standardization and Deviation in Terminology
Power and Impotence of the Standard-Language Tradition in the Formation of Ethnic Names: The Problem of the Variant Ethnonym Gruzínci ~ Grúzijci 'Georgians'
Names of Countries and Dependent Territorial Units
Reception of the Standardized Names of Countries – The Delicate Case of South Africa and Moldova
Use of Abbreviations in Slovene and Their Representation in the Orthographic Dictionary
Citation Loans, Partial Substitution and Nativization in Lexical Borrowing of Foreign Lexical Items
Authority of Language Manuals on the Use of Variant Conjunctions and Prepositions According to Their Semantic and Syntactic Properties
Between Irregularity, Ambiguity and Style
Restrictive Use of Relative Clauses in Slovene?


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