Marijine božjepotne cerkve med Alpami in Krasom
In Slovenia the pilgrimage has a long tradition, which can be demonstrated by many pilgrimage routes and churches. Among others, almost 400 are dedicated to Virgin Mary. The pilgrims have appealed to Virgin Mary with many requests, thanks and promises, which are not expressed only by prayers, but also through songs and legends. The booklet presents 14 pilgrim churches dedicated to Virgin Mary from the Julian Alps to the Karst region, which form regional church route in the Slovenian part of previous archdiocese of Gorica. The route was constructed in the framework of the international project THETRIS – THEmatic Transnational church Route development with the Involvement of local Society, which aim was to preserve, present and sustainable manage sacral cultural heritage for the rural development. The pilgrimage route is named after a well-known Slovenian religious song Marija, skoz življenje voditi srečno znaš (Mary, you know how to lead us happily through life), which gave courage to many our predecessors through turbulent personal and social problems. Because of that, also pilgrimage to the presented churches can encourage the thoughts on contemporary meanings of sacral cultural heritage for more compassion societies and well-being among people.


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