Prostomorfemskost v slovenščini
Namen monografije je predstaviti in opredeliti, katere besed(ic)e nastopajo v vlogah prostih morfemov, na katere polnopomenske besede se ti prosti morfemi navadno pomensko in skladenjsko navezujejo, in kakšna in kolikšna je vloga prostih morfemov v slovenščini. Delo sestavljajo poglavja: Prostomorfemskost, Prostomorfemskost med leksemom in povedjo, Prostomorfemskost kot slovnica v slovarju: slovarski prikaz prostomorfemskosti in še Priloga: referenčni članki. Naslovi usmerjajo iz teorije v prakso, osnovnemu besedilu pa so za posamezne osvetlitve še posebej, v prilogi, dodani članki, ki podrobneje razčlenjujejo posamezne pojave in probleme. Prostomorfemskost do neke mere rahlja meje leksemov in tako odločilno vpliva na pomenska in slovnična razmerja med leksemi, s tem pa sogradi in sooblikuje slovensko skladnjo.
The monograph ('Free-morphemeness in Slovene') aims to demonstrate which words function as free morphemes and to which content words they are semantically and syntactically bound, in addition to determining their role in the Slovene language. The current work contains the following chapters: Free-morphemeness, Free-morphemeness between the lexeme and the sentence, Free-morphemeness as the grammar component of the dictionary: the dictionary representation of free-morphemeness, and the Annex: reference articles. The titles guide the reader from theory to practice, which is why the base text is enriched with reference articles that provide in depth breakdowns of individual phenomena and problematic areas. Free-morphemeness to some extent weakens the limits of the lexeme and thus significantly influences the semantic and syntactic relationships between lexemes and, on this basis, co-shapes and co-creates the Slovene syntax.


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