Velenje, industrijsko mesto v preobrazbi
According to the economic indicators, Velenje has a successful, export-oriented economy with high added value per employee. But like all industrial cities in Europe, Velenje is very vulnerable. This book ('Velenje, an industrial city in transformation') seeks to shed light on the aspects of Velenje's transformation in the past, present and future. The purpose of the book is to provide an overview of Velenje's developmental factors. Emphasis is placed on social, cultural, spatial, environmental, economic and other aspects of the city, as well as a critical evaluation of future development resources and their actions. The second emphasis is on the originality and specificity of certain activities and phenomena that contribute to greater creativity and resilience of Velenje. We present 16 diverse contributions to the book that critically evaluate the current and future developmental resources of Velenje and its surroundings. Articles are written by locals and experts working on the BRIGHT FUTURE project dealing with small industrial towns across Europe.
Two main messages emerge from all the contributions: the importance of using our own (endogenous) development resources and a participatory way of making decisions in the future.
Uvodne strani / Front
Transformations of Velenjeintroductory thoughts and concept presentation of the book »Velenje, an industrial city in transformation«
History of Velenje
Influence of geographic conditions on settlement and transportation in Velenje Municipality
Landscape diversity of City Municipality of Velenje
Velenje in the international and Slovenian context
Velenje – Ideal city with challenges in transport infrastructure
With an eraser through the city: what’s left of the city in the international style?
The power and vulnerability of the Velenje economy
Industrial city values in a post-socialist context
Signs and symbols of socialism and industry in Velenje
Social innovations in the town – a way to deal with uncertain future?
Ecological protest movement of the Velenje Basin
Urban gardening as a tradition and social innovation in Velenje
Šalek Lakes as a real development opportunity in the field of recreation and tourism, taking into account environmental limitations
The heritage of the socialist »garden city« as a tourist opportunity
Landscape transformation of the Velenje Basin due to lignite mining
Demographic analysis of the Municipality of Velenje: the »young town« of Velenje
Uvodne / Front


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