Historična topografija Primorske (do 1500). Na podlagi gradiva Milka Kosa

The second volume of the historical topography of Slovenia is dedicated to the area of the Primorska region. It is based on previously unpublished material originally compiled by Milko Kos. After his death, work on this subject was continued by Pavle Blaznik and Janez Šumrada. The present volume is the result of the applied research project Toponomastic Heritage of the Primoska Region and offers numerous additions and improvements to the source material. The keywords have been synchronized with the official Slovenian digital gazetteer. Additional text editions of medieval documents were included, and an investigation of previously omitted archival materials was also conducted. Based on the research conducted, 717 new places (out of a total of 1542) were identified.

The number of historical place names currently stands at 11,030. In addition to the Gazetteer, users can consult the project database in an interactive web map.


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18. February 2022


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ISBN-13 (15)
