Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa / Milko Kos Historical Institute
Historical topography is a fundamental tool for identifying toponyms that appear in historical sources. The database SHT is the successor of the Historical Topography of Slovenia, published by SAZU in 1982-1989 under the editorship of Bogo Grafenauer. It is intended for classic book and electronic editions with historical-topographical themes produced at the Milka Kos Historical Institute. These include historical-topographical encyclopaedias for individual Slovenian regions, special historical-topographical studies on narrower areas, and monographic treatises on historical topography. The sub-collection Historical Topography of Slovenia includes thematically or regionally organised publications. They will cover the historical provinces of Carniola, Primorska, Styria with Carinthia, and Prekmurje.