2 Titles

Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa / Milko Kos Historical Institute

Historical topography is a fundamental tool for identifying toponyms that appear in historical sources. The database SHT is the successor of the Historical Topography of Slovenia, published by SAZU in 1982-1989 under the editorship of Bogo Grafenauer. It is intended for classic book and electronic editions with historical-topographical themes produced at the Milka Kos Historical Institute. These include historical-topographical encyclopaedias for individual Slovenian regions, special historical-topographical studies on narrower areas, and monographic treatises on historical topography. The sub-collection Historical Topography of Slovenia includes thematically or regionally organised publications. They will cover the historical provinces of Carniola, Primorska, Styria with Carinthia, and Prekmurje.


Online ISSN 2536-1848

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Historična topografija Primorske (do 1500). Na podlagi gradiva Milka Kosa

Matjaž Bizjak, Neva Makuc, Miha Seručnik, Jurij Šilc
18. February 2022

Historična topografija Kranjske (do 1500)

Miha Kosi, Matjaž Bizjak, Miha Seručnik, Jurij Šilc
1. November 2016