ePravopis 2021
The ePravopis orthographic dictionary is the corresponding dictionary of the Slovenian normative guide; it includes lexicon from Slovenian language corpora which explains the normative rules and also provides additional examples. Main entries belonging to the same orthographic rule are linked to the corresponding orthographic category and are presented in the Pravopisne kategorije ePravopisa ('Orthographic Categories of ePravopis'). The dictionary mainly provides information on the problem areas of the expressive language level, especially regarding notation, use of capital letters, writing together or apart, inflection, and phrases. All dictionary entries also contain information on inflection and accent. 1377 new dictionary entries have been added to the existing dictionary (currently, there are 8216 published dictionary entries); more than 700 existing dictionary entries have been updated. The 2021 edition of ePravopis includes the following fourteen new orthographic categories: (1) Musical terms, (2) Astrological signs, (3) Names of celestial bodies and phenomena, (4) Names of islands, peninsulas, archipelagos, (5) Italian, (6) Non-settlement names, (7) Subordinate compounds, (8) Demonyms (deriving from names of cities), (9) Borrowed common nouns, (10) Adjectives (from geographic non-settlement names), (11) Coordinative compounds, (12) Possessive adjectives (from geographic names), (13) Possessive adjectives (from common nouns), (14) Spanish.


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