Šolski slovar slovenskega jezika 2021
Šolski slovar slovenskega jezika 2021 ('The School Dictionary of the Slovenian Language 2021') includes 2042 dictionary entries and is aimed at pupils aged 6 to 10. It describes the system of literary Slovene and therefore deals only with the lexical units of the literary language. The concept of the dictionary is based on established lexicographic principles. It brings a lexicographically informed simplified display of information adapted to the abilities and knowledge of youngest users. The dictionary examines only standard-language lexical units and includes multi-word lexemes, both non-phraseological and phraseological. The main source of material is the Korpus šolskih besedil slovenskega jezika ('Corpus of School Texts of the Slovene Language'), which encompasses texts from textbooks, children’s literature by select authors and school essay materials. The lexis examined in the dictionary is thus taken from texts that are the main source of new standard vocabulary for children at this age; in particular, it covers the standard language of literature and the basic terminology of the scientific fields and disciplines discussed in class, which are represented as equally as possible. As The School Dictionary of the Slovenian Language 2021 also serves as a teaching accessory, basic lexis has been included using criteria of problem selection as well (based on issues pupils might have relating to orthography, pronunciation, inflectional patterns).


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