Alternator 2022
The Alternator 2022 collection contains sixteen articles selected by the editorial staff that were published in the online journal Alternator ( from 2020 to 2022. Articles in Alternator are written by researchers for all readers interested in science. Articles selected for pubication are thematically and methodologically diverse, bringing a range of different scientific approaches and disciplines, which sums up the very essence and purpose of the Alternator journal: namely, to transcend the dichotomy that exists between social sciences and the humanities and natural sciences and technology. The publication offers a variety of topics from the fields of linguistics, philosophy, art history, psychology, sociology, and law, biology, chemistry, physics, environment, and computer science. It also includes reflections on science as such.
Kozma Ahačič: Kdaj in kje se je zares začela knjižna slovenščina?
Špela Vintar: Z nevronščino v prihodnost
Marijan Dović: Zakaj se je vredno ukvarjati s cenzuro nasploh in zakaj z literarno cenzuro v 19. stoletju?
Matjaž Ličer, Lojze Žust, Matej Kristan: Prepletanje umetne inteligence in fizike pri napovedovanju obalnih poplav
Natalija Majsova: Making the Most of a Past’s Futures: Soviet Space Science Fiction between Projection and Recollection
Tom Turk: Komuniciranje znanosti v boju z družabnimi mehurčki v času pandemije
Miha Hafner: Dvorezni meč nevroznanosti v kazenskem pravu
Arne Praznik: Vse, kar ste želeli vedeti o cepivih RNK
Matej Huš: Lažna znanost
Marko Kovač: Klimatske spremembe kot Veliki filter razvoja (naše) civilizacije
Simona Gomboc: Dunning-Krugerjev učinek: Ko ne veš, da malo veš
Franci Lazarini: Dvakrat postavljena cerkev
Barbara Breznik: Z imunoterapijo nad izvor tumorjev – tumorske matične celice
Paul Freedman: Why Food Matters
Miha Nemevšek: Razpad vesoljnega vakuuma
Alenka Zupančič: »Konec«


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