Sprotni slovar slovenskega jezika 2022
Sprotni slovar slovenskega jezika 2022 ('Growing Dictionary of the Slovenian Language 2022'), in 349 entries, brings newer, emerging words not yet included in other dictionaries, suggested mainly by language users, and, to a lesser extent, the newest meanings of words already included in other dictionaries. The entries are accompanied by full morphological data and basic information on the meaning, usage and possible markedness of the word. The vocabulary in the dictionary is characterised by a high degree of influence of external circumstances due to its up-to-dateness, which was particularly evident in 2021: many vaccination-related words were added to the dictionary, also in the form of set phrases (covered by the dictionary as well), e.g. immune escape, breakthrough infection, etc. In 2022, the vocabulary returned to the usual thematic fields. Also, the short etymological explanations were added.


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