Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika 2022
Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika 2022 ('Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard Language 2022') contains a modern linguistic description of the multifaceted and complex linguistic reality of the Slovenian language based on language use as reflected in diverse language resources, primarily corpora. A total of 489 dictionary entries introduced by single-word headwords offers a wholesome and systematic description of semantic, grammatical, pragmatic and other characteristics of single-word and multi-word phraseological and non-phraseological lexical units.
The concept of the dictionary is described in detail in Koncept novega razlagalnega slovarja slovenskega knjižnega jezika (Concept of the New Explanatory Dictionairy of the Slovenian Standard Language), ratified in 2015 by the Scientific Council of the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language ZRC SAZU, the Scientific Council of ZRC SAZU, the Section of Philological and Literary Sciences of SAZU and the Presidency of SAZU.


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