Zeleni prehod na regionalni ravni
The European Union's Green Deal aims to make Europe climate neutral by 2050, boost the economy with green technology, create sustainable industry and mobility, and reduce pollution. Alongside environmental and economic goals, it also emphasises social justice and inclusion for all. The Green Transition is particularly important at regional level, as it is strongly linked to regional resources and its success depends on the potential and capacity of regions to transform themselves into green, sustainable and socially just environments with thriving economies. This monograph ('Green Transition at the Regional Level') is a contribution to this. The authors address the spatial aspects of the energy transition and the issue of local energy concepts, assessing the role of revitalising functionally degraded areas for the green transition and undeveloped building land in the light of sustainable mobility. In the area of mobility, the focus is on mobility poverty and the role of cycling for the green transition, two chapters deal with agricultural adaptation and area branding as an approach to rural development, and the last chapter presents the experience of strategic development and innovation partnerships, using the circular economy as an example.
Front / Back
Pogledi na regionalni energetski prehod: intervjuji z deležniki v dveh slovenskih regijah
Izzivi priprave in izvajanja lokalnih energetskih konceptov
Kako oživljanje funkcionalno razvrednotenih območij uresničuje cilje zelenega prehoda
Vrednotenje nepozidanih stavbnih zemljišč za stanovanjsko gradnjo z vidika dostopnosti javnega potniškega prometa
Opredelitev prevozne revščine v Sloveniji
Vloga kolesarjenja za zeleni prehod regij in odpornost v obdobju kriz: primeri dobrih praks in ocene potreb Ljubljanske urbane regije
Regionalne razlike v zaznavanju in prilagajanju na podnebne spremembe med kmeti v Sloveniji
Znamčenje območij kot pristop k razvoju podeželja: študija primera znamke Zakladi – Črni graben iz Občine Lukovica
Strateško razvojno-inovacijsko partnerstvo kot instrument za prehod v krožno gospodarstvo


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