Slovenski lingvistični atlas 3. Kmetovanje – orodja, opravila
The third volume of the Slovenian Linguistic Atlas (SLA 3: Farming) includes dialect words for farm owners, cultivated land, farm work and tools, the cart and its parts, and Alpine pastures. The material for 115 questions was collected in 417 places in Slovenia and in neighbouring countries, and brings a remarkable lexical richness - over 3400 lexemes of this thematic field. In the Atlas (SLA 3.1) the collected material is presented with linguistic (lexical, word-formation and semantic) maps and accompanying lists of the phonetically transcribed dialect lexis, while in the Commentaries (SLA 3.2) the linguistic analysis is equipped with a presentation of the material issues and with a description of mapping features as well as pointers to related maps in selected linguistic atlases. Also important are the ethnological explanations of the discussed concepts and their presentation with original illustrations. The books are supplemented by lists of localities, recorders and their records, translation of questions into eight languages, glossaries, a list of references, an English summary and a revised map of Slovenian dialects. Two transparencies with maps of Slovenian dialects and larger settlements are included to facilitate the reading of the linguistic maps.
The geolinguistic presentation of the dialect lexicon in SLA 3 with a significant part of new, as yet undescribed or unexplained words for the field of Slovenian intangible cultural heritage opens up new possibilities for linguistic, ethnological, historical, cultural and interdisciplinary studies.


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