Slovensko kolesarsko izrazje. Leksikalni vidik
This monograph gives a general insight into modern Slovenian cycling terms, emphasising in particular the lexical aspect: what are cycling terms in terms of form and structure, how did they come into Slovenian and what is happening to them today. After 1991, especially in the last 20 years, the popularity of this sport grew by leaps and bounds due to the rapid development of technology, hence the topic of cycling appeared in many text genres. Cycling terminology is also developing and expanding rapidly. Today, the production of texts on the subject of cycling is diverse and numerous, making it suitable for various lexical and textual research.
This study includes a large number of texts on cycling and the collected terms represent the first comprehensive collection of Slovenian cycling terms. The work attempts to identify the lexical characteristics of the cycling terms and to find out whether the lexical (especially word-forming) tendencies of modern Slovenian, which are known from the research of newer lexicon, manifest themselves in cycling terminology and whether it is possible to look for parallels between the cycling terminology and the Slovenian language in general.


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