Arheologija okoliša i paleoekologija. Palinologija, arheobotanika, arheozoologija, geoarheologija
This book ('Environmental Archaeology and Palaeoecology: Palynology, Archaeobotany, Archaeozoology and Geoarchaeology') is based on the translation of the Slovenian book, entitled Okoljska arheologija in paleoekologija: palinologija, arheobotanika in arheozoologija ('Environmental Archaeology and Palaeoecology: Palynology, Archaeobotany and Archaeozoology', 2016), written by Maja Andrič, Tjaša Tolar and Borut Toškan (Institute of Archaeology, ZRC SAZU). In addition to the translation of the book published in 2016 to Croatian, the work is supplemented by additional chapters dealing with this research in Croatia, including geoarchaeology, which is not covered in the Slovenian version. This part of the book was completed by Katarina Gerometta from the Jurja Dobrila College, Faculty of Philosophy in Pula, and Siniša Radović from the Institute of Palaeontology and Geology of the Quarter, HAZU in Zagreb.
The authors present the ways (i.e. methods) and results of research of past environment. Plant and animal remains and deposited sediments found at archaeological sites and in marsh and lake sediments are a good source of information about the way of life, economy, nutrition habits, the former environment and human adaptations to it in different archaeological periods. It is the first comprehensive book presenting the fields of palynology, archaeobotany, archaeozoology and geoarchaeology in Croatian language.
Co-publisher: Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile, Pula (Croatia)


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