Cenzura na Slovenskem od protireformacije do predmarčne dobe


Authors of the monograph (' Censorship in Slovenia from the Counter-Reformation to the Vormärz') deal with the influence of censorship on literature and culture in general in Slovenia from the 16th to the 19th century. Nina Ditmajer analyses forbidden, especially Protestant books, kept in the monastic libraries in Lower Styria. Three chapters are dedicated to the 17th century: Luka Vidmar describes the reception of works, written by libertine Ferrante Pallavicino, Monika Deželak Trojar deals with banned Mariological works of Janez Ludvik Schönleben, and Boris Golec analyses self-censorship of Janez Vajkard Valvasor. Next chapters describe the consequences of the censorship in the period of Enlightenment: Matija Ogrin writes about the blockade of the Late Baroque Slovenian manuscripts, Andrej Pastar about the heyday of bookselling and newspapers, and Sonja Svoljšak about dissemination of forbidden books of (political) philosophy. Last chapters introduce the changes of the long 19th century: Marko Juvan rethinks the role of a censor in the Vormärz period, as he discusses Kopitar’s censorship of the Krajnska čbelica, and Marijan Dović analyses the encounters of Slovenian writers with the imperial censorship.


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29. May 2020

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Publication date (01)


Details about the available publication format: Knjiga/Book


ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)


Physical Dimensions

165 mm x 235 mm