Janez Ludvik Schönleben v luči novih raziskav
This volume (' Johann Ludwig Schönleben in the Light of New Research') provides new insight into the extensive and diverse oeuvre of Johann Ludwig Schönleben. Examining a Baroque scholar like Schönleben—whose sphere of activity brought together what was an unimaginably broad range of scholarly fields from today’s perspective—presented a great challenge. Fourteen experts specializing in various areas thus embarked on a journey through this polymath’s life, joining forces to shed light on everything that could come together in a single great personage during the seventeenth century. The volume starts by presenting Schönleben’s life and work, contextualizing them in the time and place of the dynamic seventeenth century. It continues by highlighting his historiographic endeavors, briefly drawing attention to interesting archival fragments related to him. This is followed by a description of the linguistic features of Schönleben’s adaptation of the lectionary Evangelia inu lystuvi and its examination in terms of the concept of the “church of the Slovenian language”. The main part of the volume sheds light on his hitherto relatively poorly known works from the fields of theology, philosophy, drama, and rhetoric. The volume concludes with a presentation of the art-history aspect of his oeuvre, focusing on the preserved manuscript genealogies of the Auersperg family, the concept of Austrian piety (Pietas Austriaca), and its visualization in Slovenia.


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