Literarna večjezičnost v slovenskem in avstrijskem kontekstu
The monograph Literary Multilingualism in the Slovene and Austrian Context deals with theoretical, methodological and contextual issues of literary multilingualism. In Slovenia, as in elsewhere in the world, literary multilingualism is a relatively new field of research. The monograph stems from the realisation that the traditional monolingual perspective on literature needs to be supplemented and expanded due to new epistemological and methodological findings, as well as developments in literary practice. It is grounded in literary-systemic theoretical approach, which is adapted for research of supra-regional interaction spaces. The collected discussions open up fresh perspectives to small and minority, supra-regional, immigrant or migrant, and transcultural literatures. It is shown how, in the cultural-historical framework and in the current social conditions, the spaces of literary interaction permeate each other and spread to neighbouring environments.


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