Agronomski terminološki slovar
The Terminological Dictionary of Agronomy contains terms from twelve subject fields, namely agricultural economics, agrometeorology, plant protection, agricultural engineering, pasture science, soil science, arable farming, fruit growing, grassland science, landscaping, viticulture and vegetable growing. It contains 4388 terms that have a definition or guide the user of the dictionary to a preferred term. With clear and precise definitions, it provides the user with reliable terminological information on the conceptual system of agronomy and by guiding to preferred terms, it contributes to the harmonization of terminology. It is primarily aimed at experts in the field of agronomy, but is also useful for all those who deal with plant production as laymen and need reliable information on this subject field. The dictionary also contains 3994 English equivalents, which will facilitate international cooperation between experts in the field of agronomy.


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