Go Girls! When Slovenian women left home
Go Girls! When Slovenian Women Left Home is not about researching and writing only about female emigration, some kind of “women’s migration", but is among other things focused on understanding the complexity, multi-facetedness and of course the multi-gendered aspect of migrations. This can only be done by focusing on a missing but constitutive part of migration processes – the migration of women. Therefore, to “make visible" that which was, as the title of one of the most famous feminist books says, “hidden from history", or in the words of the best-known Slovenian researcher of “women’s history", to “write women" into the body of knowledge on migration and into knowledge in general. This “writing of women", must not be just a matter of supplementing and placing into context previously overlooked events, phenomena, and occurrences, but in fact must be a project of critically sifting through the entire body of migration studies and thereby reproducing gender-determined knowledge.


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