Lipalja vas in njena slovenska govorica
The monograph ('Lipalja Vas and Its Slovenian Speech') presents a detailed and methodologically sophisticated description of the Zilja local dialect of Slovenian as spoken by its last speakers in the northwestern most part of the Slovenian ethnic territory.The introductory contribution ('Lipalja Vas 200 Years Ago: The Home of Kovači, Trinki and Temmli') authored by a historian and writer Vlado Klemše portrays Lipalja vas at the beginning of the 19th century on the basis of toponyms from the Franciscean cadastre. Karmen Kenda-Jež’s contribution ('Spoken Texts from Lipalja Vas'), which was prepared in collaboration with Robert Grošelj and Vera Smole, is the first detailed linguistic analysis of the Slovenian local dialect of Lipalja vas. It provides a commented selection of texts recorded at the research camp in 2005 written in Slovenian dialect transcription. The narratives of the informants offer an insight into the organization of family and village lives in the mid- and the late 20th century. Robert Grošelj’s study ('Syntactic Description of the Slovenian Local Dialect in Lipalja Vas') describes the syntax of the Carinthian Zilja dialect in Lipalja vas and is based on the syntactic section of the Slavic Linguistic Atlas questionnaire. The analysis is based on the material collected through conversations (with Leopold and Maria Willenpart) recorded in Lipalja vas in 2000 and 2005. In his contribution 'House Names in Lipalja Vas' Matej Šekli offers etymological explanations and a list of Slovenian house names and names of householders and housewives according to the old house numbers.
Co-publishers: Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut (SLORI) / Instituto sloveno di ricerche (SLORI); Slovensko kulturno središče Planika Kanalska dolina / Centro Culturale Sloveno Stella Alpina Val Canale


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