Življenja in dela / Biografske študije
Inštitut za kulturno zgodovino / Institute of Cultural History
The book collection Življenja in dela ('lives and works') was first issued at the end of 2000, soon after the foundation of the Institute of Biography and Bibliography ZRC SAZU, the predecessor of the present-day Institute of Cultural History ZRC SAZU. Its basic aim is to present the domestic and foreign public with the results of the scholarly and research work performed by the members of the institute and external collaborators. Given that research in cultural history is highly diversified, the collection has been divided into sub-collections. Presentations of results of biographical and bibliographical research as well as publications of sources in this field are available in the sub-collection Biografske študije ('biographic studies', up to 2015 Biografske in bibliografske študije, ISSN 1580–6057). By extending the scope of research and renaming the institute into the Institute of Cultural History, we have undertaken the publishing of the sub-collection Kulturnozgodovinske študije ('cultural history studies'). Cooperation with the City Municipality of Ljubljana led to the creation of the sub-collection Ljubljanski portreti ('portraits of Ljubljana').
Details: https://zalozba.zrc-sazu.si/p/A18All Books