Umetnostna topografija Slovenije
1 Titles
Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut Franceta Steleta / France Stele Institute of Art History
The book series ('Art Topography of Slovenia') offers a basic inventory of our art heritage. It presents in expert words and pictures all that has been preserved in the artistically interesting and significant places in Slovenia, reminds us of what has been lost, and points out what (perhaps) is yet to become a heritage. In this way it will help us to get to know and hopefully appreciate and preserve a valuable part of our culture and identity.
Print ISSN 2232-3783
All Books

Upravna enota Jesenice. Občine Jesenice, Kranjska Gora in Žirovnica
Umetnostna topografija Slovenije
25. January 2012