Meje. Antropološki uvidi
The monograph provides readers with a basic introduction to the anthropology of borders and presents a contemporary case of a Slovenian border region. The first chapters outlines many of the key lines of inquiry that influenced anthropological research on borders, border studies localized at selected border regions, and contemporary issues shaping anthropological research within the interdisciplinary field of border studies. The second half of this book is dedicated to presenting diverse aspects of the case of the Slovenian-Hungarian border around Goričko. These ethnographic chapters aim to provide a grounded understanding of the way that borders and border regimes have changed over the last decades, how these changes have informed the border region in diverse ways, and how border actors both experience and respond to these changes – through a myriad of their own border practices.
Front / Back
O raziskavah mej v antropologiji in etnologiji
Ekologija meje
Od meje do mejeBiografija slovensko-madžarske meje
Čezmejno sodelovanje in evropeizacija slovensko-madžarskega obmejnega območja
Izdelovanje meje z divjadjo


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