Javnozdravstveni izzivi demence
The publication is distinguished by a multidisciplinary treatment of the topics and is intended for both the lay and the professional public. The publication highlights current public health selected topics - from new estimates of the prevalence of dementia at national level and new projections of dementia cases among the population of Slovenia in the future, characteristics of knowledge of dementia among the general public and long-term care of people with dementia (from research into needs to development of services), the economic burden of dementia in Slovenia according to routine health care databases, dynamics of neuropsychiatric symptoms in people with dementia associated with pandemic and covid-19, characteristics of long-term covid-19/postcovidal syndrome and cognitive impairment, mental health of informal family carers of people with dementia during stress and stress-coping strategies, mental health and interventions, the burdens of informal family carers of people with dementia during covid-19 to falls in the elderly and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The World Health Organization has declared dementia for public health priority of the 21st century before the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2/COVID 19 pandemic, which affected the elderly population the most. Dementia is a disease that affects the individual, his relatives, caregivers and wider society. A person with dementia is increasingly dependent on the help of others over time, so dementia increases the health, economic, emotional, psychological and physical burden on the person with dementia and his caregivers.
This year's multi-authors monograph of scientific papers represents a logical continuation of the scientific monograph entitled Spremljanje demence v Sloveniji. Epidemiološki in drugi vidiki ('Monitoring dementia in Slovenia: Epidemiological and other aspects').
Uvodne strani / Front
Epidemiološke ocene prevalence demence v Sloveniji
Poznavanje demence med splošno javnostjo
Dolgotrajna oskrba ljudi z demencoOd raziskovanja potreb do razvoja storitev
Ekonomsko breme demence v Sloveniji glede na rutinske podatkovne zbirke zdravstvenega varstva
Dinamika nevropsihiatričnih simptomov pri osebah z demenco v povezavi s pandemijo in covidom-19
Dolgotrajni covid-19/postcovidni sindrom in kognitivne motnje
Duševno zdravje neformalnih družinskih oskrbovalcev oseb z demencoStres, strategije soočanja s stresom, duševno zdravje in intervencije
Breme neformalnih oskrbovalcev oseb z demenco v času covida-19
Padci pri starejših in vpliv pandemije covida-19


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