Monumenta artis musicæ Sloveniæ
Muzikološki inštitut / Institute of Musicology
The intention of this new on-line presentation of Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae – a series of critical editions of early musical works belonging to the treasures of the Slovenian cultural heritage – is twofold: to offer open access to existing editions and to prepare a platform for new, completely digital volumes in the series. We are starting by opening up to any interested musicologist and/or performer the fruits of nearly forty years of past research into the national musical heritage undertaken under the auspices of the Institute of Musicology. The earliest of the existing volumes date back to the early 1980s, and it should be noted here that in some cases recent research and the constant increase in data regarding sources worldwide (including ever more digitized originals etc.) have already appreciably transformed our knowledge of the published authors, their works, performance practice etc., so that new textual commentaries and corrigenda are called for. This is why we are adding new Introductions and Corrigenda to the original scanned editions, in order, at least, to draw the attention of the various users towards the new research and data that are available today. Second, the e-MAMS series is to become a platform to be developed over time into new, completely digital volumes containing our early musical heritage following the traditional scheme, but using modern technological support for the visual presentation of music.
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Šest osemglasnih motetov / Six Eight-Part Motets

Izbrana dela iz Hrenovih kornih knjig 3 / Selected Works from the Hren Choirbooks 3. Tri maše / Three Masses

Iacobus Gallus: Opus musicum IV/4. Harmoniae quatuor vocum / Psalmi omnibus sanctis triumphales

Iacobus Gallus: Opus musicum IV/3. Harmoniae quinque vocum

Iacobus Gallus: Opus musicum IV/2. Harmoniae sex vocum

Iacobus Gallus: Opus musicum IV/1. Harmoniae octo vocum

Iacobus Gallus: Opus musicum III/2. In dedicatione templi et a dominica post pentecosten usque ad adventum Domini

Iacobus Gallus: Opus musicum III/1. De sancta Trinitate et de Corpore Christi

Iacobus Gallus: Opus musicum II/4. De Spiritu sancto

Iacobus Gallus: Opus musicum II/3. De resurrectione et ascensione Domini nostri Iesu Christi

Iacobus Gallus: Opus musicum II/2. Lamentationes Ieremiae Prophetae

Iacobus Gallus: Opus musicum II/1. De passione Domini nostri Iesu Christi

Iacobus Gallus: Opus musicum I/3. A dominica septuagesimae per quadragesimam de poenitentia

Iacobus Gallus: Opus musicum I/2. De nativitate, circumcisione et epiphania Domini

Iacobus Gallus: Opus musicum I/1. In adventu Domini nostri Iesu Christi