Historični seminar
The Historical Seminar of the ZRC SAZU is an international multidisciplinary series of public lectures, short scientific sessions and roundtable discussions that has been taking place since 1992. It is organised by the Coordinating Committee. The aim is to present new, original and current scientific developments and achievements in various fields of scientific research, particularly in the humanities and social sciences. The lectures are organised once a month. They are aimed at a broader specialist audience and offer the opportunity to establish and deepen contacts between national and international experts and researchers.
In order to make the most important and most recent research results accessible to a broader specialist audience, a series of publications has been published since 1994, summarising selected and edited texts of the lectures in book form. The articles in the books are provided with the corresponding scientific apparatus; Slovenian articles have English summaries, while foreign-language articles have Slovenian summaries, abstracts and keywords.
Podrobneje/details: https://zalozba.zrc-sazu.si/p/A07
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