
11 Titles

Glasbenonarodopisni inštitut / Institute of Ethnomusicology

The collection is intended for the publication of scientific monographs and collections of scientific papers from the fields of ethnomusicology, ethnochoreology, textology and others. It reveals an image of changing song, music and dance traditions within different time frames and places and on different cognitive levels. The first publication from the collection was issued in 2003. Since then six different publications of studies and monographs have been published.

Online ISSN 2738-571X
Print ISSN 2232-3791

All Books

Od ljudskega gledališča do uprizarjanja dediščine

Folkloristika 10
Ana Vrtovec Beno
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Na poti v Kamnik

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Marija Klobčar
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Folkloristika 5
Mojca Kovačič
31. December 2012

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Folkloristika 3
Drago Kunej
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Ljudsko in umetno. Dva obraza ustvarjalnosti

Folkloristika 2
Marjetka Golež Kaučič
24. November 2003

Etnomuzikološki članki in razprave

Folkloristika 1
Valens Vodušek
23. January 2003