Oblikoslovne razprave


Jože Toporišič

This book is a collection of studies and other papers published between 1958 and 1996. The author organized them in five sections: the first brings an overview of the contemporary general issues on morphology (as well as stylistics) in his native country and abroad. The second section deals with a wide spectre of structural theoretical questions on word-classes. The third section is a confrontation of the author’s morphological theorems with those in grammars by Claude Vincenot and Rado Lenček, as well as with those in the Dictionary of Standard Slovenian (SSKJ). The fourth section brings detailed discussions of the theorems about individual word-classes – mainly about the noun and the adjective and, to a lesser extent, also about the verb. In the fifth section the presentation of morphology in Slovenian grammars is given: from Bohorič’s Arcticae horulae (1584) to the Slovenian Grammar of 1956 (only the most relevant authors are discussed: Hipolit (Gaiger), Pohlin, Gutsman, Kopitar, Škrabec and Nahtigal – i.e. his description in Slavic Languages).

The book also contains two extensive indexes: of topics and of authors and personalities (together with a list of publications on this topic).


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22. July 2003

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Publication date (01)


Details about the available publication format: Knjiga/Book


ISBN-10 (02)


Date of first publication (11)


Physical Dimensions

185 mm x 245 mm