Spremembe rabe tal v slovenskem alpskem svetu


Franci Petek

Knjiga obravnava spremembe rabe tal v 19. in 20. stoletju na primeru slovenskega alpskega sveta. Njen namen ni zgolj preučiti spremembe rabe tal, pač pa ugotoviti navezanost sprememb rabe tal na prvine površja ter njihovo povezanost z družbenogeografskimi dejavniki in njihovim razvojem. Med letoma 1827 in 1900 so bile spremembe rabe tal dokaj šibke. Med letoma 1900 in 1953 so se njive že začele selektivno omejevati le na bolj ugodna zemljišča, prevladalo je ozelenjevanje. Med letoma 1953 in 1979 je prevladalo ogozdovanje, ki se je v zadnjih dveh desetletjih 20. stoletja nekoliko umirilo. Med letoma 1900 in 2000 je v slovenskem alpskem svetu gozd prerasel kar četrtino površja. Odločilen dejavnik so bile družbene razmere, med katerimi velja izpostaviti politične odločitve in zakonodajo.


The study deals with changes in land use in the 19th and 20th centuries in Slovenia's alpine region. The aim of the research was not only to study the changes in land use but also to determine the relationship between changes in land use and relief elements and their connection with sociogeographical factors and their development.

Land use is a dynamic element of the landscape that is studied with the help of various resources. Special attention was given to determining the accuracy of the sources used to enable a correct interpretation of the results. Because of the uniform and only slightly changed methodology of collecting data employed since the first established stable (Franciscan) cadastre in the first half of the 19th century, it was confirmed that the data on land use from the land register is a very suitable source, primarily for establishing changes in land use over longer periods and for larger spatial units (mezzo-regions, regions), in spite of its otherwise lagging behind the actual situation.


Podatki o prenosih še niso na voljo.
17. november 2005

Podrobnosti o formatu publikacije na voljo: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)


Podrobnosti o formatu publikacije na voljo: Knjiga/Book


ISBN-13 (15)



210 mm x 295 mm