Muzikološki inštitut / Institute of Musicology

12 Titles

The Institute of Musicology brings together a group of researchers charged with researching the history of the musical heritage up to the twentieth century associated with the territory of present-day Slovenia. An e-collection of data on early music manuscripts in Slovenia has been growing; so, too, has a series of critical editions of music. For several years, the Institute has been publishing an academic journal De musica disserenda and organizing scholarly meetings as well as concerts of early music. The members of the Institute are engaged in specialized analytical research projects relating to the national musical heritage of Slovenia and its position within the wider European context.

All Books

Iacobus Gallus: Opus musicum I/3. A dominica septuagesimae per quadragesimam de poenitentia

Monumenta artis musicæ Sloveniæ VII
Marko Motnik (ed.)
29. March 2023

Iacobus Gallus: Opus musicum I/2. De nativitate, circumcisione et epiphania Domini

Monumenta artis musicæ Sloveniæ VI
Marko Motnik (ed.)
28. March 2023

Amandus Ivančič: Sonate a tre

Monumenta artis musicæ Sloveniæ I.
Metoda Kokole (ed.)
6. April 2020

Amandus Ivančič: Simfonije za dve violini in bas / Symphonies for Two Violins and Bass

Monumenta artis musicæ Sloveniæ III.
Metoda Kokole (ed.)
6. April 2020